Friday, July 27, 2012

Gettomhg tje Ba;; Rp;;omgh

....or "Getting the Ball Rolling" if you have your hands in the correct position on the keyboard.
The planning of my new living room has begun, albeit slowly, and my main area of attention at the moment is fabrics. My first port of call was to my favourite online fabric store Fabric Traders. Boy do these local gals know their stuff! Their style and taste has been a source of inspiration to me for some time now and I have been known to make the odd sneaky purchase from them as well. Remember this fabric?.......

This is one pattern I want to incorporate into the redec and I have made a mood board of sorts with a couple of other samples from their site which I'm hoping will all go nicely together in a mis-matched kind of way.  Professional decoraters please feel free to step in now!!


Always love a bit of red ticking.....

I am yet to consult "Pattern Play 101" so the exact ratios I will use the fabrics in are still to be determined.  This morning I hastily purchased a couple of metres of ticking at the Spotlight fabric sale....and I say hastily because I had both Mr D and Miss H home sick in bed with various ill-person symptoms. But at the suggestion of Miss M (as I drove her at school saying "I don't want to be at home with those 2 sickies") I went shopping!  Her other suggestion was to go have coffee with girl!!

Please feel free to comment on the above fabrics as there really is no book called "Pattern Play 101" and I haven't got a clue!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I couldn't pick that tune but by gee those cupcakes look good! xmima

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